
Ancora is committed to being a trusted, reliable, highly responsive engineering partner for developers, contractors, designers, and architects.

We take pride in tackling multi-layered, multi-scope projects that test our widely diverse expertise and challenge us to see further down the road. For us, success means: safe, technically excellent,
buildable, on time, and cost-effective.

  • Demo Design

    - Full Building

    - Partial and temporary

    - Immediate Emergency
    Declaration (IED)

    - Interior removals

    - Floor load test

  • Fire Suppression System Design

    - Removals

    - Sprinkler Alteration

    - Standpipe Alteration

  • CCD1 variance

    - Authoring and Signing

  • Construction Protection Systems (Misc.)

  • Adjoining Property Stability AssessmentCCD1 Variance (Authoring and Signing)

  • Mechanical Equipment Use

  • Existing Building Conditions Assessment

  • Fence Design

  • Structural Design

  • Monitoring Data Analysis

  • Monitoring Plan

  • Netting (Vertical)

  • Overhead Protection Design

  • Party Wall Tieback Design

  • Peer Review

  • Vault Design

  • Exterior landscaping design

  • Deep Foundation Element Design

  • Deep Foundation Load Test
    - Frame Design

  • Environmental Monitoring Wells

  • Geotechnical Investigations

  • Percolation Test

  • Pre-Construction Report

  • Rock Anchor Design

  • SOE Design

  • Soil Stabilization

  • Adjoining Property Affidavit

  • Adjoining Property Consulting/Affidavits

  • Adjoining Property Pre-Con
    Photo Survey

  • Building Welfare Report

  • Builders Paving Plan (BPP)

  • CCD1 Variance
    (Authoring and Signing)

  • Existing Building Conditions Assessment

  • Tenant Protection Plan

  • Waterproofing Design

  • IAS Accredited Special Inspection Agency #SIA-373-NY

  • NYC Registered Class 1 Special Inspection Agency #6818

  • Over 20 NYC TR1 Categories including:

    - Structural Steel Categories
    - Concrete and Masonry
    - Geotechnical and Deep 

  • Foundation Categories
    - Demolition, Structural Stability,
    and Construction Safety

  • Mass Transit Agency Consulting:

    - NYC Transit Authority / External
    Partners + Capital Construction

  • Capital Construction
    -   Long Island Railroad
    -   Metro North Railroad
    -   Port Authority NY/NJ
    -   Amtrak

  •  DOBNOW Filings

    - Demolition
    - Fences + Construction Equipment